Monday, January 31, 2011

So Precious!

Lukey has become fond of this little girl in his Preschool class.  Her Grandparents know that Lukey adores anything to do with hockey.  A couple of weeks ago this little girl's Grandparents won a Flyers Basket at their church and they gave it to Lukey :)  He absolutely adored the Flyers Basket, kept talking about it non-stop to anyone who would listen :)  The basket has bobble heads, a mug, a street hockey stick (that was autographed!), an actual autographed photo of Bob "The Hound" Kelly, a windbreaker, and various other Flyer memorabilia.  Then, the children who made the Flyers Basket found out who it went to and heard how much Lukey loves anything hockey they decided they wanted to do something special for him.  These children asked their neighbor, who is non-other than Bob "The Hound" Kelly, to autograph a Build-A-Bear "Hound" and gave it to Lukey :)  What an incredible family!!!  Thank-You to everyone who thought of Lukey :)

Love & HUGS,
Jenny, Ron, Ryan & Lukey :)

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