Friday, January 14, 2011

Back to the Dr.'s we will go...

Today is Friday and Lukey needed a follow-up from his ER visit the other night, SO I was thinking why not bring Ryan along too b/c he was not getting any better either :(  That is exactly what I was successful in some areas but not in all :/ 

Let me explain...we saw the same pediatrician as we did on Monday and he said "Oh your back"!  Yes, like I had any other choice :/  He finally put Ry on antibiotics b/c according to him he now had a sinus infection.  I seriously want to throw my hands up in the air, b/c nothing has changed with Ryan and he had the same exact symptoms that he had when I brought him in on Monday :/  I am not complaining but my goodness!  Okay, I am complaining!

The pediatrician was shocked to hear that Lukey actually had a concussion, as were we.  But, everything with his follow-up appointment went great for the concussion, he checked out neurologically...everything was great, right?  Not so fast, I asked the dr. to check Lukey out b/c he still has that cold/cough.  As a matter of fact, some of the other Moms at Lukey's preschool refer to this particular cold as the "COUGH"!  The cold is being spread throughout the preschool.  The dr. checked him out, his lungs were clear, his ears were no antibiotics :/  What I don't understand is how the pediatrician can put one child (who lives in the same household with the child who has a sinus infection and they share everything and yes I do mean everything) on an antibiotics but not the other?!  I specifically asked the dr. if he would put Lukey on an antibiotic BUT he told me I can treat it with over-the-counter medication.  So, tonight Lukey is irritable, has non-clear mucus (in other words its a pretty neon color) and is just miserable :/  We will definitely be back at the pediatricians office sometime within the next week.  Can you tell how happy I am?!  LOL!

Love & HUGS,
Jenny, Ron, Ryan, & Lukey :)

1 comment:

Dea Reynolds said...

So sorry you have sickness in the house-I hope everyone is feeling better.