Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ryan's Gait Lab Appointment

It was rough watching Ryan walk back and forth, up and down the, "Yellow Brick Road", (literally-that is what the dr.'s at DuPont refer to the Gait Lab as, b/c two artist were chosen to sketch/draw and then paint the "Yellow Brick Road") at his Gait Lab appointment on Thursday, September 16th.  I believe it hits home... maybe a bit too close.  With each turn that decided what pressure points he was or was not using correctly, or whether or not he was "hunched" over (for lack of better terminology) it was all too "REAL"! 

Lately, I've been thinking about Ryan and his special needs.  I realize its probably tougher for me b/c I KNOW what he will face by not being "typical" and it wakes me from a deep sleep some nights :/  Scary nightmares at what my baby will be and probably already has been presented with by those who feel superior to him or are just insecure in who they are at that time in their lives.  But, then I think to myself I can't even imagine our lives without Ryan in it, the notion is preposterous!  I can't even imagine saying NO to his referral, we won't accept the responsibility of raising a special needs child, lets face it Ron and I knew there were risks-as there are in any adoption.  There are risks when having a biological child too.  We held on to hope and took that leap of faith.  All this was swirling around in my brain as I'm sitting there watching Ryan walk up and down the yellow brick road...literally!  What gets me is that NEVER has he ever complained or whimpered or cried at what he has to go through...he just smiles at me and gives me the thumbs up that everything is good :)  Talk about admiring someone who is so young yet has all the wisdom as if he were an 80 year old man, what an inspiration!

Can you imagine when we get the Gait Lab Analysis, how distraught I'll be when that happens?!

Love & HUGS,
Jenny, Ron, Ryan, & Lukey :)

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