This past week I was semi-watching the nightly news as I was making dinner, which I never do watch the nightly news. Anyway, they had an interesting piece on stuttering and famous people who have stuttered. Were you aware that Marilyn Monroe was a stutter? Or (I will state this shocked both Ron and I!) that James Earl Jones (the voice of Darth Vader) was a stutter?! Apparently, nightly news stated that geneticist have found a gene that determines whether or not you will be a stutter. This is fabulous news, b/c as many of you know that we are in the process of making the difficult decision to switch Ryan's seizure medication b/c of the impact that the side-effects are currently taking on his body...i.e. stuttering! What would be wonderful is that if we could find out if Ryan is predisposed to stuttering or could it be his seizure medication he is currently on?! I will let family and friends know what we find out b/c DuPont actually has Ry's DNA and I have a call into his neuro. dr., we shall see :)
BTW, we attended a Birthday Party the week after Lukey's Birthday Party at The Flyers Skate Zone and can I just state this party rocked and by far blew ours out of the water! It was incredible, they even had face painting, which the boys adored!!! Of course, they also had the full attention of their party host, which I will say it was much, much better compared to our party hostess who literally ran between our party and the party in the other room of 30 people :/ And, at this party they did not have the same issue with the Zamboni
:( Currently, I have a call into The Flyers Skate Zone but they have yet to call me back, as time passes I just get more and more steamed about the whole issue. I suppose I am getting grumpy in my old age :(
I have more video of Lukey ice skating with a hockey stick and a puck again :) I didn't think it was possible BUT he has definetly improved and again, YES, I'm biased-sorry :)
I adore the one photo of Ron holding Lukey at ice skating rink with his hockey helmet and skates on, b/c it just shows you that he is STILL a little boy, who loves to be held but in that same thought I'm thinking to myself he's starting to play hockey come January 2011...what a great wonder!
Love & HUGS,
Jenny, Ron, Ryan, & Lukey :)