Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lukey's 4th Birthday Party

We officially celebrated Lukey's 4th Birthday Party on December 5, 2010, at the Flyers Skate Zone.  Lukey had such a great time, minus a meltdown or two :/  Most of his classmates were able to join him, along with two of his friends from his Tots on Ice class (he has taken the class since Jan. 2010).  In January 2011, he will be in hockey class...I still can't believe he's as good as he is out on the ice, let alone the fact that he will be starting hockey class in Jan. 2011?!  He's my baby and always will be :)

I will state that as a whole the party was OK, but it all started with the cake...I ordered a cookie cake with hockey sticks and a hockey puck, well the night before, as we were at Dickens Village Festival (in Medford), the cookie cake bakers called asking us "what is a puck"?  Were they kidding?!  They never did put the puck on the cake :/  It was downhill from here, our party hostess, tried her best to manage our party and a 30 person party...apparently, that day another hostess called out and was suppose to be the hostess for the 30 person party :/  And, don't even get me started about the Zamboni and the fact that we were taking Lukey's picture, as the kid who cleaned the rink, was literally cleaning the ice out of the machine.  We couldn't even get a full shot of Lukey due to this and the fact that the Zamboni was half open.  Will we have another party at the Flyers Skate Zone...I don't think so :(  Then again, am I getting grumpy as life progresses?!  Probably!  But, what matters is that Lukey and all of his friends had a great time out on the ice.

Love & HUGS,
Jenny, Ron, Ryan, & Lukey :)

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