Saturday, April 30, 2011

Who would have thought?!

I brought Ryan to horseback riding this morning (which is our usual Saturday morning ritual) but Ron brought Lukey to the Allergist.  The reason?  I have been talking with my cousin's wife and she told me that her littlest has I was thinking hmmm I wonder if Lukey does too?  It seems as if he has had a cold or at least a sniffy nose this entire winter season.  Low and behold Lukey has allergies!  And, get this...his number #1 allergy?  DOGS!!!  I was beside myself when Ron told me the results of his allergy tests.  My poor baby has needle marks up and down his arms and back :(  OUCH!  It was how the Allergist tests him to see if he is allergic to common things, such as dogs, mold, pollen, etc.  I will state that at least now we know and Ron said he was impressed with the Allergist.  The reason is because he didn't want to automatically put Lukey on medication to control his allergies...he wants him and us to be preventative and work from there.  I truly like this approach and so does Ron!  Of course, this means being more proactive on our part as parents but I believe we are up for the challenge or at least I hope we are :/  LOL!  In addition to dogs, Lukey is also allergic to mold and penicillin (we knew about the penicillin b/c we had a polka dot baby the one year in Washington D.C., does anyone recall that?).  The Allergist said he realizes we have a dog who is eleven years old, he doesn't expect us to go and get rid of him (Thank-Goodness!) but just keep Lukey and Boulder "somewhat" separated...wish us luck!  Or he did offer another solution, if Lukey hugs Boulder immediately wash his hands and pretty soon it will become second nature to Lukey...or so we hope :/

Also, this is TOTALLY off topic here but I want to comment on Kate's and Prince's William's Royal Wedding...I, of course, was up at the crack of dawn and was watching everything :)  Ron also woke up because he said I was too loud with my crying...was I?  It was spectacular, it was what every little girl hopes for and then some!  As I was watching the Royal Wedding I couldn't help but think of my Mom and I getting up and watching Princess Diana wed Prince Charles...that brings tears to my eyes even now.  I was eight years old and remember that particular day as if it were yesterday :)  What made me cry harder than I ever cried was the fact that, my Dad said he was awake to watch the Royal Wedding and as he tells it, it was my Mom and her talking to him even though we all know she passed.  My Dad said she must have been sitting on my shoulder that morning because for the life of him he couldn't get back to sleep.  Now that is too cute!  Another extremely funny aspect about this Royal Wedding is that when Ron and I heard that Kate and Prince William were engaged I was on the phone with my sister, Ron made a comment that has stuck to this day and you know what?  He is absolutely correct...if we lived in the World of Harry Potter...Ron called Kate a "MUGGLE" because if you think about it, he is correct before she wed Prince William she was a "MUGGLE" or she was a commoner but I like "MUGGLE" instead of calling her a commoner  My sister and I must have laughed over this for at least a half hour...gotta love Ron :)  LOL!!!  Leave it to Ron!

Love & HUGS,
Jenny, Ron, Ryan & Lukey :)

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