Monday, December 6, 2010

4 Year Check-Up PLUS Pneumonia?!

Well, I now know why Lukey was incredibly miserable and had at least two meltdowns at his Birthday Party yesterday...we were at the pediatrician's today for his 4 year old check-up, the dr. listens to his chest and asked me if I was aware that he has pneumonia?  Was he kidding?  Apparently not :/ Great parenting skills, huh?!  He has had a cough/cold but absolutely no fever, which is a huge indicator that he usually has some type of infection going on, not this time.  We came home with antibiotics, Thank-Goodness and a dr.'s note :)  He won't be going to Preschool at least for the next two days, poor little guy-he's so bummed about not being able to go :(  I keep on telling him he is SO lucky b/c he gets to spend the day with Mommy.  He then asks, "when can I go back to Preschool?"  As a matter of fact, the dr. even suggested he could go back tomorrow but I think he *MAY* go back on Wednesday.  We shall see :)

A funny story about today, we were on our way out of the pediatrician's office and Lukey has been fascinated with Jesus lately and the fact that Christmas is his birthday. Well, the questions start, such as who is Jesus, why can't I see and touch Jesus, and where is Jesus? I start telling him that Jesus is in your heart, he asked, MOMMY WHERE IS JESUS? I'm thinking he needs actually proof, so I tell him he is up in Heaven with Nanny (my Mom) and without skipping a beat he asks, CAN WE GET A HELICOPTER TO GO THERE?...out of the mouths of babes! I couldn't speak for 5 minutes b/c I was laughing so hard!  Even with pneumonia he is still the little comedian :)

The photos that I've attached are of Breakfast with Santa on December 4, 2010, and the boys :)  It was a pancake breakfast given by the Lions Club of Voorhees.  The boys were impressed that Santa knew their names, as was I...until Ron told me what was going on :/  Enjoy the photos :)

Love & HUGS,
Jenny, Ron, Ryan, & Lukey :)

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